Predictions for 2014 – Personal Year 3

This is a good year for new opportunities, to take up room and to grow up. Projects started during the previous years will be more mature this year.

It is possible to master the changes made in career, love and day-by-day relationships.

There is growth in every way. The only thing that can keep you from reaching a climax: unfulfilled lessons in years 1 and 2. Remember that in Numerology you must be in perfect harmony with the vibrations that the number requests, otherwise you will not enjoy the positive side of it.

The year brings joy and the desire to release yourself a little more than usual. All related to fun, food and sex is treated with much more interest.

The 3 brings disposition and energy to tear things up, go through drawers, rid of complicated matters and to make radical changes, without guilt or dramas.

It may also cause problems by excess of eccentricity, pomp and presumption caused by the intrinsic sense of power, so you can run too many risks or put at risk things already established.

This moment is to broaden horizons, occupy every possible space, expand business or simply expand the knowledge of the world, being academic or not.

The resourcefulness in speech and body language brought by the energy of 3 will facilitate communication at work, in the circle of friends and family. This balance will help to reach higher positions in your career.

On the other hand, if this energy is not used positively you will have a sharp and feline tongue,  causing problems in many sectors of life, sometimes for talking too much, sometimes speaking insults to the wrong people at the wrong time. The year can be considered as the most joyful and auspicious within numerological matrix, but you must save money and not rely on the same positive moment next year.


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